12 year prayer saint bridget

What is 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

Saint Bridget of Sweden was a 14th century mystic and visionary who received a series of revelations from Jesus Christ. One of these revelations was the 12 Year Prayer, which is a set of daily prayers that are said for 12 years in honor of the 5480 wounds that Christ suffered during his Passion. The prayer is said to be very powerful and has been known to bring about many miracles and blessings.
The 12 Year Prayer is a devotion that requires a significant commitment, but those who have completed it report experiencing profound spiritual growth and a closer relationship with God. The prayer consists of 15 prayers, which are said every day for 12 years. It is recommended to start the prayer on a Friday, which is the day of the week that Jesus was crucified.

FAQs about 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

What are the benefits of saying the 12 Year Prayer?

Many people who have completed the 12 Year Prayer report experiencing spiritual growth, a deeper relationship with God, and an increase in faith and trust. The prayer is also said to bring about many blessings and miracles, including physical healing, financial blessings, and the conversion of sinners.

Is it necessary to say the prayer for 12 years?

While it is recommended to say the prayer for the full 12 years, it is not necessary to complete the prayer in order to receive its benefits. Even those who are unable to complete the full 12 years can still receive many blessings and graces from saying the prayer for any length of time.


The 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget is a powerful devotion that has been known to bring about many blessings and miracles. It requires a significant commitment, but those who have completed it report experiencing profound spiritual growth and a closer relationship with God. If you are interested in starting the 12 Year Prayer, it is recommended to seek guidance from a spiritual director or priest.